Training Services
The type of training you choose largely depends on what you want to convey, to whomyou want to convey it, where and when you want to convey it and how much material there is to cover. In some cases online training will suffice; in others, in-person training such as classroom, jobsite or hands-on are preferable. And there is always the option to do both. This is known as the blended learning process.
Online courses cannot replace live training, but they can be pre-requisites to them. By assigning students online coursework prior to a classroom or hands-on presentation, students can learn important terminology and concepts. Pre-requisite online training also serves to bring students up to the same level so they are all on the same page when live training takes place. This process is very effective in enabling students to get the most out of live training sessions and further their retention of the material.
UofCTS Online training courses are also an effective way to provide continued education for employees and customers. Just as doctors, attorneys, accountants, and other professionals need continued education, ceramic tile and stone industry professionals need continued education so they can keep up with industry standards and new technologies.
Whatever your training needs, the UofCTS is able to provide it!