Introductory Courses
The Understanding the Basics of Natural Stone course includes industry standards and sales techniques and is designed to give salespeople the tools they need in order to increase sales, give stone installers and fabricators the knowledge of industry standards and how to assist clients with selecting natural stone, and give professional designers the knowledge on how to select and specify natural stone.
Available Now! -This course provides detailed information on how architectural sales representatives can get their company’s tile and stone products specified, by learning strategic tactics and creating “Bulletproof Specifications” that are resistant to “Value Engineering and Substitutions”.
Available Now! - This book provides detailed information on how architectural sales representatives can get their company’s tile and stone products specified, by learning strategic tactics and creating “Bulletproof Specifications” that are resistant to “Value Engineering and Substitutions”.
Ceramic Tile
Taking the UofCTS Certified Tile Specialist (CTS) Test is part of the requirement to earn the UofCTS "CTS" Designation. $300.00 USD per student per test.
****Prerequisite for taking the test is to complete and pass the UofCTS Understanding the Basics of Ceramic Tile course, UofCTS Tile Installer Thin-set Standards (ITS) Verification course, and UofCTS The Complete Guide on Develping Tile & Stone Specifications with Architects course. For more information click on: "CTS"
Ceramic Tile
Taking the UofCTS Certified Stone Specialist (CSS) Test is part of the requirement to earn the UofCTS "CSS" Designation. $300.00 USD per student per test.
***Prerequisite for taking the test is to complete and pass the UofCTS Understanding the Basics of Natural Stone course, UofCTS Tile Installer Thin-set Standards (ITS) Verification course, and UofCTS The Complete Guide on Developing Tile & Stone Specifications with Architects course. For more information click on: "CSS"